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Glamour Under The Hammer

Views: 3580
Posted by willcheng
16 years ago
Tags: Glamour, Under, The, Hammer

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We'd like to introduce our latest skill game, Glamour Under The Hammer, and this one is a bit special. The game includes integrated video with the presenter telling you the instructions and the targets for each level.

Your objective is to complete three glamourous rings by filling their empty settings with gems.

Using either the mouse or the arrow keys on your keyboard, move each ring left, right, up and down to catch the gems falling from the top of the screen.

Each setting will flash a particular colour; you must fill the setting with a gem of that colour - anything else won't count!

Once you've completed one ring, the next, more challenging ring will take its place! Can you complete all three?

Players can win exclusive jewellery prizes EVERY NIGHT including stunning diamond rings!

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